Video Resources: Reiki Questions Answered

What is Reiki? How does Reiki work? What are the benefits of Reiki? These questions and more are answered in the videos below.


Reiki Book Review

There are a lot of books and resources about Reiki available, so it can be hard to know where to begin. In this video I give you a list of the books I recommend and why.

Introduction to Reiki Healing with Izzy Swanson

In an interview with the EnVibe Life Podcast, Izzy shares what Reiki is, how she was introduced to it, who can benefit from it, and more.

Reiki Student Project


Each year during our Reiki Intensive Training Course, the students have to craft a project that aligns them with either the energy of the seasons or the cycles of the moon. Connecting to the energy of the Earth and the world around you is a fundamental part of Reiki practice. Megan chose to connect with the cycle of the seasons. She demonstrated that connection here through a technique called Gyrokenesis. We were so moved by her work that we wanted to share that here. If you would like more information on where to find Megan, email us at

Hara Strengthening Exercise

The Hara, also known as the dantian, is the seat of one's internal energy. We can draw energy into the Hara and radiate it outward through our body. When we do this, we can increase and strengthen the flow of Reiki in our bodies.

The sound that we chant at the end of the practice is On and not the more well-known Om.

This exercise is a personal adaptation of the exercises provided in the book Shinpiden written by Taggart King.

Hatsurei Ho Reiki Meditation

The Hatsurei Ho is a meditation taught by Master Usui to strengthen and purify energy as it passes through you. With roots in Tendai and Tibetan Buddhism, this meditation will help quiet the mind, calm the body. You do not have to be attuned to Reiki to participate. The meditation is open to anyone with a desire to sit in quite space and connect to their inner wisdom. ⁣

The Feileacan Trauma Release Technique

In this video, Izzy discusses The Feileacan Trauma Release Technique, which utilizes multiple modalities to release the energy of trauma from the body. The technique combines Reiki, trauma informed practices, mindfulness, guided meditation, the principles of somatic therapy, and additional techniques to empower each individual's healing process and ensure the safety of the patient.

Soul Healing: Interview with Diana Lane


Izzy & Diana Lane of Moon Medicine Magic interview each other on how they encounter and approach trauma in each of their respective practices. Izzy goes into detail about soul healing, including covering how soul loss happens, what soul healing is, and the energy of trauma.