The Guardian School: Online Classes

Learn at your own pace through these online classes. All classes are available through


Energetic Safety Techniques

In this course you will learn how to: create energetic safe space for yourself and others, recognize harmful and unhealthy interactions, be of service to others without harming your own energy, ground, shield, and cleanse your energy, contain and calm energy in stressful situations, and much more!

Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care

What does trauma-informed care look like for spiritual, energetic, and alternative wellness practitioners? In this class we will discuss what trauma-informed care is, how to provide it, and techniques for creating safe spaces. We will also learn how to recognize signs of activation and provide some tools for restoring calm and balance.

Gentle Practices for Chaotic Times

Learn simple techniques for maintaining healthy energy that can be used in any chaotic time. This class will include a series of simple practices for comfort, clarity, reclaiming energy, and resetting the nervous system. The exercises in this class will be accompanied by a guided meditation.


Fundamentals of Energetic Safety and Boundary Work

This class is the prerequisite for the Feileacan Trauma Release Technique™ and The Psychopomp's Journey. In this class, you will learn the fundamentals of energetic safety, journey work, and boundary work. This class is well-suited for healers of all kinds, reiki practitioners, acupuncturists, massage therapists, priests/clergy, and anyone in a role of service to others.

The Psychopomp's Journey

The Psychopomp guides the souls of the dead through the otherworld to their safe resting place. In today’s world there is a strong need for this sacred and profound work. More and more people are being called to do it. In this course you will learn a series of journey techniques and magical practices designed for your safety, the safety of those who you may be called to guide.

The Feileacan Trauma Release Technique™

This technique is a trauma-informed practice that combines journey techniques, guided meditation, and magical practices with the healing modalities of Reiki, mindfulness, and somatic experiencing. With the technique a practitioner guides a person to release trauma in the body by connecting with physical imbalance and discomfort, acknowledging intense emotions and limiting beliefs, and retrieving and integrating lost or broken pieces of the soul.


Energetic Anatomy

The bones, organs, and systems of the body hold emotions and energy. We can learn to recognize imbalance and develop practices for healing through and understanding of the energetic anatomy of the body. In this class you will learn to identify the emotions associated with various body parts, how the systems of the body regulate the flow of energy, and techniques for restoring energetic balance.

Introduction to Journey Work

In this class you will learn a step-by-step process for taking a safe journey into the world of spirit. You will learn the importance of each step and how to build your own safe journey practice. This class will include a guided journey to meet your guardian and there will be time for discussion afterwards.

Boundary Magic

In this class you will learn how to maintain personal boundaries in daily living, how to build safe boundaries around your home and safe place, how to create and strengthen the boundaries of your inner landscape, and how to build boundaries around yourself as you are working in the spirit world.


Business Essentials for Spiritual Practitioners

In this class we will discuss the steps to take to get your business started, including finding your purpose, myths and realities, boundaries and self-care. We will talk about budgeting, fee structures, setting goals, building a client base, and managing expectations. We will also discuss techniques for blending the spiritual aspects of your healing work with the practical applications of running a business. This course will include meditation and guided journey.

Embracing Darkness Course

In this four-part class series, you will learn a safe, comprehensive method to work with the energy of darkness and the Morrigan. This course will provide you with tools and strategies to develop grounded, stable, clarity for self-healing and self-empowerment. Through a connection with the Morrigan and an understanding of darkness you will be guided to an awareness of your own inner truth, strength, and core values and you will learn how to use these gifts in day to day living.

Recovery Awareness in the Spiritual Community

In this class we will examine substance use and recovery in magical, spiritual, and pagan spaces. We will begin with an overview of what addiction is, discussing causes, triggers, related trauma, myths and biases, and the relationship between substance use and mental health. We will also examine the role of leadership in the community and the responsibility to provide safe spaces and we will also focus on tools for providing support to addicts in community spaces.