Lavender Light Spray


Lavender Light Spray

from $14.00

In Reiki practice Lavender Light is used to bring Reiki into the body before meditation, giving attunements, and healing others. Lavender Light Spray is intended to be used to draw in the calming, powerful energy of Reiki healing.

Created with the highest quality organic herbs and oils. Ingredients: Reiki Energy, Lavender Oil, and Lavender Flowers.

Directions for Use: Spray liberally in an area of your home, car, or office. This spray can be used in any and all situations that would benefit from burning sage or incense to clear, and it is especially helpful in situation where burning is not appropriate.

Caution: Do not ingest. Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients. Possible skin irritant. Discontinue if rash occurs. Avoid contact with eyes, ears and sensitive areas. Keep out of reach of children.

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